
Equity Token Offering Services

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Equity Token Offering Development

The Equity Financing of modern organization is an ordinary activity to dilute shares to raise capital. The traditional method involves the existing shareholders diluting the company for new investors to raise capital in several rounds. There are two stages in equity token based finance; Private Locked up Stage and Public Liquidity Stage. You can keep the stocks as non-dilutable during the lock-in period. The tokens are available for investors through Equity Token Offering (ETOs). We are one of the leading Equity Token Offering Development Services Company.

Dilutable Tokens

You can sanction to produce a lot of stock, however, release on the part of it to the investors and shareholders. The left unissued stocks can be utilized to sale later. Only when all unissued shares are sold is when the existing shareholders have diluted their shares. The amount of tokens shows the number of shares in the organization which is inscribed on a smart contract. As the company develops the stake held by the investor decreases, however, the stake holds more value.

Non-Dilutable Tokens

Every token is equal to a percentage share on the company. The investor has the percentage of the company, as long as the token is his/her wallet. The anti-dilution premium is fixed as an added insurance, for the investor to remain in the organization without diluting their assets. This gives a chance to grab a future value at present. Dilutable equity tokens are suggested instead of non-dilutable tokens.

Equity Token Offering Development

Features of Equity Tokens

Private Equity Token Platform Development

Programmable Equity

The electronic equity tokens permit you to take hold of illiquid asset into an equity issuance through a programme code.

Private Equity Token Platform Development Company

Regulatory Compliance

The blockchain app factory will create SEC compliant tokens and will help you in assisting with regards to security rules in your jurisdiction.

Equity Token Offering Development Services Company


Dilutable equity tokens are increasing the liquidity for the investors. However, you can fix a lock-in period of 1 year from the day of Equity Token Offering.

Equity Token Offering Development Services Company

Secure Wallet

The wallet is made as a multi-signature, multi-device wallet on a blockchain with egg-shaped cryptography, which makes the storage of funds safe.

Equity Token Offering Development Services

Global Capital Investment

The equity tokens ensure trust and reliability for institutional investors to link with the crypto-market, leading to a larger pool of capital investment.

Equity Token Offering Development Services

Greater market efficiency

Assure investors with its identifiable structure and its affiliated technological advancement, leading to investors increasing trust and their investment in the project.

 Private Equity Token

No Intermediaries

There are no mediators between the company and investors, hence decreasing the price of commissions for the middleman. Trust the work of Private Equity Token Platform Development services provided by App India.

Private Equity Token

Own Blockchian

The equity tokens can be developed on your own blockchain, so you can control by you as you wish. No more worries of gas prices and changes in protocol or regulations.

Equity Token Offering Development

Backend Dashboard

We develop a complete backend dashboeard for you to manage retail and institutional investors such as dividends, buybacks, announcements and so on.

Benefits of Equity Tokens

Automated Dividends- The investments of the customer will be automatically transferred to the investor’s wallet. The wallet is fully secured on the blockchain with highly encrypted coding.

Voting Option- Like as the shareholders, the equity token holders can also vote the company features.

Profit share rights- The facility to share the profits of the company with the token holders in the form of tokens and it can be directly deposited into the investor’s wallet.

Buyback Rights-The Company Can buys the shares from the investors at the market price and give permission to the investors also.